Our SAAS Product simplifies your software translation

Centrally store, translate, distribute and manage your software translations on the cloud, continuously accessible to all stakeholders.

Translate Easily

Use your internal staff, external translators or source new translators to centrally translate your software, mobile app or web application using Translation Node.

Empower Your Developers

Stop emailing resource files to your translators! Your developers can access and download the latest translation files for all your applications at any time.

Visible Progress

Our project management dashboard provides clear visibility of all your projects so you know what's happening in real-time and prioritise getting localised releases finished and to market.

Translation Node Features

Our software includes various screens for your product managers to manage your localised applications and their languages. Your translators have access to easily add or edit translations for all of their assigned applications and languages.

Our software currently supports Microsoft .net resx (and customer specific file formats). Additional localisation file formats are being added continuously (including ios, android, php and xliff files).

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How it Works

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Any team member with access can upload your resource files containing your applications' text

Import any existing translations

Optionally import any translated resources you already have

Assign projects to your translators

Choose which languages to translate into and grant access to your translators to specific or all projects


Your translators can easily view all phrases to be translated (optionally using machine translation)

Download translated resources

Team members can download your latest (up to the minute) translation files at any time

Continuous Visibility

Your Product Managers can view real-time progress or bottlenecks on your dashboards

Translate your Software faster using Translation Node

There are many benefits of using Translation Node including, but not limited to...

  • Stop replying on email or file shares to distrubute and maintain your translation files
  • Maintain full source control and audit logs on all translation edits
  • Automatically focus on the deltas in your application, ignoring your complete translations
  • Centralise all your translation files in one location, always available in the cloud
  • Use your internal resources to translate your product using Translation Node
  • Leverage machine translation
  • Powerful Project Management Tools for Localisation
  • Reduce costs (through a vastly improved translation process)
See Pricing


Our Enterprise pricing model is based on the approximate number of projects, translation keys/strings and users on your account. Contact us with details of your needs and we can arrange a no commitment demo and give you a quote.

Professional and Translator plans are coming soon.


Coming soon

Annual Pricing
  • Limited Applications
  • Up to 10 users
  • Up to 10,000 unique keys/phrases
  • Up to 7 languages per Application
  • Email Support
  • Project Management Dashboard
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Annual Pricing
  • Unlimited Applications
  • Unlimited users
  • 10,000+ unique keys/phrases
  • Unlimited languages per Application
  • Unlimited Support
  • Project Management Dashboard


Coming soon